Friday, April 3, 2015

Phoneblocks revolutionary concept phone that will probably never be reality

The story has been out for a few days now but I kept going back to the official Phoneblocks website (which is down for the moment due to the amount of visits), so why not share my own interests.

Basically, you will get a Smartphone for life. Due to planned obsolescence, people are changing their devices every 12 to 24 months while they just want the new HD display, more storage or the new powerful chip.

With phoneblocks, your smarpthone is made of different blocks, one for each feature. If you want to upgrade your display, just change the screen block, etc...

But this project will most likely never be funded as it will change so much the phone industry that it will scare off the investors. While PhonAsia is part of this industry, we are supporting 100% this project and phoneblocks is aiming at a huge buzz on October, 29th on all social media. We, of course, liked the project on Facebook and Twitter and we expect you do the same because everyone deserves the best. Links are given on their Youtube video (you actually need to go on Youtube) :


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