Sunday, June 14, 2015

Best Twitter apps for iPhone on iOS 7 Tweetbot 3 Twitterrific 5 Echofon and more!

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Twitter has changed. Its no longer the domain of nerds and conferences but now serves the mainstream, not to mention pop stars with tens of millions of followers.

Twitters official app has changed with it, altering the way everything from the timeline to direct messages work and are surfaced. Its not what it once was, and its certainly not for everyone. While Twitter is no longer supportive of third party apps, and is actively trying to strangle them out of existence, many really good Twitter app alternatives still call the App Store home. And thats a very good thing, because many people use Twitter very differently. For some, its just a way to follow celebrities or keep up with news. For others, its a virtual water cooler to chat around during work breaks. For yet others, its a network to expand their social connections and market their wares. Different apps suit different use-cases. But which one is best, and for whom? Here are some of my favorites!

Tweetbot 3

Tweetbot by Tapbots has been completely rebuilt and relaunched for iOS 7. The look is completely new, but the feeling is still very Tapbots. The same great features are there including support for lists, push notifications, profiles (and the ability to edit them), and more. A recent update to Tweetbot 3 also brought some new swipe gestures which are intuitive and easy to use. the media timeline view in Tweetbot is unique in its own right and gives you an easy way to browse images without being interrupted by text. The media timeline feature is also great.

If feature-set is important to you, get Tweetbot.

$2.99 - Download Now

Twitterrific 5

The Iconfactorys Twitterrific was the first Twitter client on the iPhone, and Twitterrific 5 remains among the best. Its got gestures, push notifications, transparent menus, and pretty much everything youd want for an iOS 7 app (though it was, presciently, released before iOS 7!) Youll find all the basic Twitter features youd expect such as conversation view, list support, built-in translations, and more, though not as many power-user features like profile and list editing. Theyve also still got the unified timeline, which includes posts, mentions, and direct messages all merged together, they made famous.

If you want a gorgeous, effortless way to read and enjoy Twitter, you want Twitterrific 5.

$2.99 - Download Now

Echofon Pro

Echofon has also been completely redesigned with iOS 7, but if youve used Echofon Pro in the past, you can still jump into the new app and use it just as you did before. Timeline view and live streaming are lightning quick on Echofon Pro, as are push notifications. It also retains the ability to tweet over 140 characters thanks to built-in tweet extender support.

If speed is important to you, Echofon Pro will impress.

$4.99 - Download Now

Twittelator Neue

Twittelator Neue got redesigned ahead of iOS 7 but still looks great on it. The interface is card-style, with a floating menu bar along the bottom. Swiping left and right takes you between different sections of the app while tapping on a tweet expands details and shows conversation views. Twittelator Neues overall layout takes a different approach than most others and if youre still getting used to iOS 7, its a happy medium between textured and too flat. Twittelator Neue also supports push notifications that are fast as easy to turn on and off within the app itself.

If you want something different, you want to give Twittelator Neue a try.

$4.99 - Download Now


What Tweet7 lacks in power-user features, it makes up for in design and experience. There are no menus to toggle and tap, just you and your Twitter stream. To the right you have three blue bars. The top is your mentions, middle is messages, and bottom is profile. Swipe to the left to expand any of them, swipe them back to return to your main feed. Its an incredibly unique design thats refreshing and a joy to use. Lack of push notifications currently will be a deal breaker for many, but simplicity can also be a feature.

If you want a calm yet beautiful Twitter experience, check out Tweet7.

$2.99 - Download Now

Twitter for iOS

The original Twitter app for iPhone was based on Loren Brichters classic Tweetie 2. Thats gone now and in its place is something that changes and evolves based on the latest direction and feature sets of Twitter itself. That includes interactions, like your follower count and how many people favorited or retweeted something you posted. It also links conversations with blue lines, and does other things to make the experience more... mainstream. The iOS 7 redesign is good, and the past few iterations of the official Twitter app have not only made is usable, but quite pleasant.

If you want a Twitter app thats totally aligned with Twitter itself, and gets all the latest features first (and sometimes only!0 you want the official Twitter app.

Free - Download Now

Data source: via iMore (By Allyson Kazmucha)

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