Monday, March 30, 2015

OUYA in acquisition talk with Chinese companies

After failing to make any dent whatsoever in the gaming market, OUYA has now looking for companies to acquire their business. According to Re/code, the company is in talks with Chinese companies, along with a few others.
OUYA started life as a Kickstarter project and was one of the more successful ones. The $99 Android based gaming console sounded like a good idea in theory but odd decisions such as having their own store, making it compulsory for every game to be free, and the mediocre hardware meant it failed to take off.

The company had initially said that they will be releasing updated versions but that never happened. Now they have decided to sell off their business altogether, which seems like a wise strategy. Re/code said OUYA was in talks with Xiaomi, Tencent, and others from China, along with Google and Amazon as well.
OUYA has yet to comment on the matter.

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